
Digital Media offers an introduction to the Adobe Creative Cloud applications for design and production (on Macintosh OS). By focusing on best practices in illustration, photo-editing, and page composition applications, you will be provided with the basic technical knowledge needed for the use of contemporary art and design software. This 3 credit hour course is a requirement for all art and design majors and is a pre-requisite for all subsequent graphic design course work.

This class gives you the opportunity to become familiar with digital production interfaces, computer graphic concepts, file preparation and other production oriented concepts for both print based and screen based applications, and relevant terminology. Using the computer as a tool, you will be encouraged to apply the fundamental compositional principles of design to various forms of visual communication.

While conceptual and formal aspects of design will be introduced, the primary emphasis of the course will be the development of technical skills. We will concentrate on three Adobe applications—Illustrator, Photoshop, and InDesign— and use them to execute beginning design fluently and confidently. You will come to understand when it is appropriate to use a particular program and how to use them together. Furthermore, given the impossibility of covering the entire scope of these programs in the time we have, you will develop the ability to learn skills independently.

Exercise/Projects/Quiz  Information
01. Exercises (15 @ 020 PTS each) - 300 points

Illustrator - Exercise 01
Illustrator - Exercise 02
Illustrator - Exercise 03
Illustrator - Exercise 04
Illustrator - Exercise 05
Illustrator - Exercise 06

Photoshop - Exercise 07
Photoshop - Exercise 08
Photoshop - Exercise 09
Photoshop - Exercise 10
Photoshop - Exercise 11
Photoshop - Exercise 12
Photoshop - Exercise 13

InDesign - Exercise 14
InDesign - Exercise 15

02. Projects (03 @ 100 PTS each) - 300 points

Illustrator - Project 01
Photoshop - Project 02
InDesign - Project 03

03. Quizzes (04 @ 025 PTS each) - 100 points

Quiz 01
Quiz 02
Quiz 03
Quiz 04

Total Points - 700 points possible